Thursday, October 3, 2013

Super Croc -The Man Eating Crocidile


     110 million years ago,there lived a dangerous 40 foot ,long croc. .He struck fear into all the people.nicknamed SUPER CROC ..Even the mightiest dinosaurs were scared of him.Even more surprising .He ate the dinosaur"s.That"s surprising for an an crocidile.especially if your going against a thing your size.

my opinion

     Everyone was afraid of Super Croc .Even the dinosaurs. In "SuperCroc" Fossils Found in Sahara by national geographic it sais "The giant creature, which lived 110 million years ago".If this is true that means he is dead and can"t harm us right now. Which is a great thing for us.In Super Croc Unveiled by national geographic it said,"Super Croc no loner exists.I would hope this is true.Because Nobody wants to get eaten by a crocidile.I mean absolutly nobody,including

top 10 super croc facts
10. Super Croc is 40 feet long and weighs 8 tons.

9.Super Croc has 5 cousins

8.Super Crocs jaws were only 6 feet long.

7.Super Croc ate dinosaurs.

6.Super Croc was twice as big as a regular crocidile.

5.Super Croc lived in a dessert in Africa.

4.Super Croc had over 200 teeth.

3.Super Croc was last seen 110 million years ago.

2.Super Croc lived near dinosaurs.

1.Every dinosaur was afraid of Super Croc.


Now I have a question for you.If you met Super Croc would you be scared?Answer in the your comment. I found this information at "SuperCroc" Fossil Found in Sahara - National Geographic News. Don't forget to comment below if you have any questions.

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